kindle_repairThe team here at Cellular Repair School prides ourselves on providing the best and most relevant training that money can buy.  We’ve created lots of exciting new classes and topics for the cellphone and smartphone repair training industry for 2013.  Freshly updated topics and overflowing with tons of relevant information, we’re trying to knock your socks off more than ever with our new available programs and delivery methods.

What’s really exciting is that you can piggy-back 2 day classes with the 5 day classes now to maximize your training time and reduce additional travel costs by having to fly back to campus for an additional class.  WOW!  Imagine…now you can take a 5 day comprehensive technician class that teaches you cell phone repair, gaming repair and handheld device repair and then stack a 2 day Saturday-Sunday class focused on Tablet PC repair training.  That is seriously a power packed week!

We have all sorts of mix and match options, just find the classes you want to take and match them on the calendar schedule to plan your trip and jump start your repair business.


Below is a quick overview of the repair training classes that are being offered in 2013 by Cellular Repair School:

Comprehensive Repair Technician Training

This is our most complete and comprehensive training available, as well as our most popular. This is a blend of the most requested course topics with a focus on Cell Phone Repair Training, Gaming Console Repair Training and Handheld Devices. This is a 5 day intensive that will be held Monday – Friday from 9 AM to 5PM at our Phoenix, Arizona Training Facility. Click here for detailed information and course prerequisites.

Cellphone Repair Specialist Training

This hands-on 5 day intensive teaches you Cell Phone & Smartphone Fundamentals, operational theory, and how to troubleshoot and repair Cell Phones & Smartphone Devices. Our professional instructors guide you through each topic, teaching you essential concepts through hands-on exercises, demonstrations and lab practicals. This is a 5 day intensive that will be held Monday – Friday from 10 AM to 5PM at our Phoenix, Arizona Training Facility. Click here for detailed information and course prerequisites.

Tablet PC Repair Training

This hands-on course teaches you Tablet PC fundamentals, operational theory, and how to troubleshoot and repair Tablet PC’s. Our professional instructors guide you through each topic, teaching you essential concepts through hands-on exercises, demonstrations and lab practicals. This is a 2 day intensive that will be held Saturday – Sunday from 9 AM to 5PM at our Phoenix, Arizona Training Facility. Click here for detailed information and course prerequisites.

Video Game Console Repair Training

This 2 day hands-on intensive teaches you Gaming Console Fundamentals, operational theory, and how to troubleshoot and repair Gaming Consoles & Internet Gaming Devices. Our professional instructors guide you through each topic, teaching you essential concepts through hands-on exercises, demonstrations and lab practicals.. This is a 2 day intensive that will be held Saturday – Sunday from 9 AM to 5PM at our Phoenix, Arizona Training Facility. Click here for detailed information and course prerequisites.

Online Comprehensive Training

This is our most complete and comprehensive ONLINE cellphone repair training available, as well as our most popular. This is a blend of the most requested course topics with a focus on Cell Phone Repair Training, Gaming Console Repair Training, Handheld Devices, iPods and Business Operation and Marketing Fundamentals.  This is a self paced online training program and includes an Apprentice Toolkit valued at $230. Click here for detailed information and an informational video.

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