live-event.jpgOf course Cellular Repair School is known for being the first at a lot of innovative things…

We’ve been the first to provide TRUE and UNPARALLELED support to our Cell Phone Repair Training Alumni…

We’ve been first to turn the industry on it’s head by legitimizing the business with ethics and standards

We’ve been first to bring the cell phone repair training industry out of the back shadows and bring true credibility to a space that can be compared to the “Wild West!”

We’ve been the first to innovate and create the world’s first true online cell phone repair training system

The list goes on…


So it goes without saying that we’re at it again!  Now we are providing the first ever Cell Phone Repair Training Live Online Event and Webinar!!  Live training and discussion on topics that matter most and that mean the difference between having some basic skills to fix phones or building a business that creates monster profits.  Live interaction with industry experts and shop owners of different experience levels and types to really shine light on the potential that is the Cell Phone Repair Industry.


This first of its kind event is scheduled for Monday December 5th, 2011 at 5pm MST.  You can register online and save your spot here: 


Don’t miss it! 



Now Enrolling!

Level 3&4 Micro-Soldering Badge
Advanced Board Repair & Microsoldering

Registration closes in
