April 17 2015. Cellular Repair School will be having a Live Virtual Presentation right from the training offices of Cellular Repair School.

Hangouts on air

All you have to do is register to join. “CLICK HERE TO REGISTER”

We will be addressing the elephant in the room for most repair shops which is “How can I generate more products, services, and revenue for my business while separating myself from the competition.”

Well, that’s exactly what we will be discussing and showing you guys how you can take full advantage of exactly that!

We will also be discussing the following:

-How To Separate Yourself From Your Competitors Doing What 90% Of Repair Shops Currently Don’t.

-How To Easily Implement These Services Into Your Existing Business.

-How To Maximize Potential Revenue Of Services You Already Offer.

-How To Easily Train Your Current And Future Staff Without The Expensive Cost.

And you will be able to ask Cellular Repair School executives any questions you have in regards to the Cell Phone Repair industry.

We also have a special offer that will only be available to attendees so be sure to show up!


It is our mission to create as many successful mobile device repair businesses as we possibly can. And we invite you to be a part of it.

All you have to do is register and show up. “CLICK HERE TO REGISTER”

It is our mission to create as many successful mobile device repair businesses as we possibly can. And we invite you to be a part of it.

Now Enrolling!

Level 3&4 Micro-Soldering Badge
Advanced Board Repair & Microsoldering

Registration closes in
