In this episode Will and Josh address their initiatives of cleaning the repair business up by eliminating ignorance and specifically an issue with a colleague getting taken advantage of by a LCD Buyback company. They also answer an audience member submitted question of “What is the best way to learn more about advanced board level repair and micro-soldering?”


Discover ways to make money with your broken LCD’s by protecting yourself.  Will and Josh give away a free course for LCD defect inspection to help you keep your vendors honest.  


Will: Let’s record. Action.

Josh: Are we good?

Will: We’re good. Let’s do this.

Josh: Alright man, welcome back one more time.

Will: Let’s do it.

Josh: And have a long week.


Josh: It was hard to get around to this one this week you know. There was a lot going on this week.

Will: Oh man, it has been a busy week. You know how we – man, we got a busy, busy, busy week but I’m ready.

Josh: I am too. You know I’m always excited. We got a lot of projects cooking which is always exciting you know.

Will: Yeah.

Josh: It keeps the attention. Hey, between balance and the home life right, with these babies.

Will: Mm-hmm.

Josh: And man, my son is going to be one.

Will: Already?

Josh: Dude, literally in two weeks.

Will: Oh my…

Josh: One year… really?

Will: Yeah.

Josh: You know what I’m saying?

Will: Yeah.

Josh: Like how was that even possible that it went by so fast?

Will: [Laughter] These days…

Josh: So, that’s what I’m saying balancing that and in this crazy life we’re living right now with all of these…

Will: Exactly. Yeah.

Josh: …madness we’re part of.

Will: I got to ask this question before we move on. I got to ask this question, do you think time speeds up because you’re getting old or do you think time is just speeding up – because you’re getting older? Do you think time just speeds up…

Josh: Man, you’re opening a Pandora’s Box, bro.

Will: Yeah, and let’s just get away. Let’s just get away.

Josh: But now you know it’s crazy because I was talking to my wife about that literally this morning.

Will: Nah.

Josh: Because she was like, “Man, this year flew by.”

Will: It’s gone.

Josh: Right? But…

Will: Oh, exactly. We’re halfway through it.

Josh: Why did it fly by for her? She’s 12 years younger than me. Right?

Will: [Laughter] Yeah.

Josh: It’s because of what’s going – the cycle of our life.

Will: Yes, yes, yes. Yeah, I do believe.

Josh: You know what I’m saying? It’s what we are, our schedules, with me, my travelling and everything.

Will: Yeah.

Josh: That’s what it is

Will: All these information.

Josh: It was slower before because we had slower lives.

Will: Yeah. That’s true.

Josh: You know.

Will: Yeah, everything sped up, bro.

Josh: Yeah, that’s what it is.

Will: It’s like vacuum, it’s crazy. Anyway…

Josh: Yeah. I digress.

Will: So, we’re going to enjoy it while we can enjoy it.

Josh: Yeah.

Will: So, I’m going to enjoy this…

Josh: Everyday.

Will: …these 30 minutes I got with these guys right now.

Josh: Yeah. With you guys.

Will: Exactly.

Josh: Enjoy the time, man.

Will: Exactly. So, what are we talking about the day, Josh? Let’s get into it. I feel – I feel kind of…

Josh: How are you feeling?

Will: I’m feeling…

Josh: I see it on your face.

Will: I’m feeling a little edgy today, man.

Josh: I see it on your face.

Will: I’m feeling a little edgy. I want to, I want to…

Josh: You’ve been having an angry black man like all day.


Will: Do you know that?

Josh: I’m just kidding.

Will: You know it, oh no, no. It’s good. It’s good. It’s good. I’m used to having an angry black man look. So, I think I feel a little angry today. And you know what? You know what it is?

Josh: No.

Will: I’ve been hearing a lot of stuff going on in the market and in the industry.

Josh: Right.

Will: That I’m…

Josh: Well, we hear this – we hear things everyday.

Will: Yeah.

Josh: But what’s got you fired?

Will: These things got me a little – got my feathers a little ruffled.

Josh: OK.

Will: Yeah.

Josh: What is it?

Will: So, we kind of talked about it before but I just feel like – and you know, from a school perspective…

Josh: Mm-hmm.

Will: Right?

Josh: Mm-hmm.

Will: You know, what we don’t like is we don’t like to see people taking advantage of.

Josh: No.

Will: Right?

Josh: No. And that is one of the biggest problems in this space that we keep – that’s you know that’s this initiative, that’s why we’re doing what we’re doing right now to clean this up.

Will: And why do you think that is? I mean…

Josh: We’re brooms.

Will: …obviously it’s an information thing, right? And we know you know that lack of information right, it results a lot of times in being taken advantage of.

Josh: Yeah. But this industry in general, right? And not to not to point fingers at anybody.

Will: Right.

Josh: Unless you need to be pointed at.

Will: Right.

Josh: But this business thrives on ignorance, man.

Will: It does.

Josh: Right?

Will: It does.

Josh: The more ignorant whoever it is you’re talking to, the more manipulative in money-making opportunity that you have yourself.

Will: [Laughter] Which is sad and so…

Josh: So, if you’re not aligned with integrity and whatever it is.

Will: Right.

Josh: And sometimes not even that if you don’t know…

Will: Yeah.

Josh: …then you’re just out there get it.

Will: Yeah.

Josh: You know what I mean?

Will: I guess it was part of the opportunity, right?

Josh: Right.

Will: Yeah. Yeah. So anyway, so let’s get into this thing tonight because I think…

Josh: Yeah. What’s on your mind, man?

Will: I think there are some things that we’ll be able to help some people with tonight and based on that, based on some of the things that we do internally.

Josh: Mm-hmm.           

Will: Because as you guys know we do business each and every day. We have technicians, right?

Josh: Yeah.

Will: One of our hashtags is #Our…

Josh: Our repair technicians are different.

Will: …are different and that’s because we train them differently.

Josh: Is it #OurRepairTechnician or #OurTechnicians?

Will: Our technicians.

Josh: Yeah, when you say our repair technicians is kind of really long.

Will: I think it’s our mobility technicians are different. There’s something to that…

Josh: Maybe we need to hashtag all three of them. Thanks.


Will: But if you go to our site, if you go to one of our social platforms, you could see exactly what it is because we got quite a few of them. But we’re going to be giving you guys another one tonight.

Josh: Mm-hmm.

Will: Right? And did you guys watch that? As a matter of fact, we just released a very, very good video.

Josh:The Insiders.

Will:The Insiders, yeah.

Josh:The Insiders just came out yesterday.

Will: I think it was number five, right?

Josh: Right.

Will: And it was a little trip we did to – just a little trip…

Josh: Oh, we went to Shenzhen.

Will: Just a little trip to…

Josh: Our recent trip Shenzhen.

Will: Exactly. To China. And we gave you guys a little bit more of insight, for you guys that saw it on exactly what we do and how we do it. And how we build relationships and some of the people we actually work with and talk to. So, it’s – if you haven’t seen it, please go check it out.

Josh: It’s cool episode, right? Especially you know, it kind of gives you a taste into the inside a life of this space on the supply chain side.

Will: Exactly.

Josh: Right?

Will: Exactly. So, what we – what we what we talked about a little bit in that is we, we talked about some very sensitive subjects that are going on in the industry today.

Josh: Mm-hmm.

Will: And so, one of the initiatives we have is what we call a Repair Right initiative.

Josh: #RepairRight


Will: Repair right.

Josh: #RepairRight


Will: It’s so – so, Josh, I’m going to let you kind of dive in and explain to the people exactly what initiative of #RepairRight kind of means for us?

Josh: I mean you already – you already kind of teed it up for me. So…

Will: Yeah, I did.

Josh: You know, at the end of the day, what it is, is…

Will: Right.

Josh: Just tired of people getting taken advantage of, man. I’m tired – I’m tired of the ignorance.

Will: Mm-hmm.

Josh: I’m tired of the deception.

Will: Yes.

Josh: I’m tired of the falsehoods…

Will: Yes.

Josh: …the bamboozlement, the hoodwinking, like literally it just you know and I think the ignorance is the biggest thing though, right? Because sometimes people just don’t know any better. And ignorance isn’t necessarily a bad word, sometimes people feel bad when they get called ignorant.

Will: Right.

Josh: It just means you don’t know something.

Will: Exactly, exactly.

Josh: Right?

Will: Yeah.

Josh: And I think that’s my biggest problem with this whole space man is people thinking that they know certain things. And by the way, first of all, I’m not preaching. I don’t know everything.

Will: Right.

Josh: Right? But I know a few things because of what I’ve been through over the last decade….

Will: Right.

Josh: …in this space.

Will: Yeah.

Josh: Right? So, what I’ve seen through what I’ve been through is how much people don’t know and at the end of the day what happens from that and how people get taken advantage of.

Will: Yeah.

Josh: So, our movement through the school is all about this now. Read me on this.

Will: Let’s get in it.

Josh: Repair Right, man.

Will: Mm-hmm.

Josh: Like, do things the right way.

Will: Yes.

Josh: When you have a customer and you mess that customer’s phone up.

Will: Mm-hmm.

Josh: Admit it.

Will: Yeah.

Josh: I messed your phone up. I’m going to replace it.

Will: Right.

Josh: #RepairRight

Will: Right.

Josh: Right? If you don’t know, if you keep putting yourself in the situation and it would put you out of business that means that you don’t know what you’re doing.

Will: Right.

Josh: Admit it.

Will: Right.

Josh: #RepairRight

Will: Mm-hmm.

Josh: Right? So, it’s all this sort of stuff. Supply chain, why are my screens keep messing up? Why do I have part problems? I call the supplier, well, who you’re working with?

Will: Right.

Josh: China? #RepairRight.

Will: Exactly.

Josh: You know what I’m saying? Then…

Will: Exactly.

Josh: That’s really – that is this whole movement.

Will: Yes.

Josh: I’m – that’s a nut shell.

Will: Yeah.

Josh: Right? But, I got a little fired up out there.

Will: Yeah, well, I think it’s what…

Josh: I feel it, you know.

Will: I think it’s because we’ve seen it done wrong for so long…

Josh: Around the world.

Will: …around the world.

Josh: It’s not just the US.

Will: Right.

Josh: It’s around the world.

Will: Yeah.

Josh: Students in South America…

Will: Mm-hmm.

Josh: ….Australia.

Will: Mm-hmm.

Josh: All over Europe.

Will: Right.

Josh: South Africa.

Will: Right.

Josh: I mean literally every continent…

Will: Yes.

Josh: …we have touched in some way and we’ve talked to people.

Will: Yeah.

Josh: And I keep getting feedback about how people aren’t just being honest about things.

Will: Right.

Josh: No matter what side of the equation they’re on.

Will: Yeah.

Josh: And at the end of the day, the person that loses is the end customer.

Will: So let me ask you this Josh, how do you see that impacting what we see each and every day? Because the industry is changing and what we see is…

Josh: It is. Yeah, it’s in flocks.

Will: It’s in flocks.

Josh: it’s in flocks.

Will: it’s in flocks, so we’ve seen a lot of flocks. We see people moving in and out …

Josh: Yeah

Will: …consistently on all levels.

Josh: Yeah.

Will: Because you know what we what we do guys, if you don’t know, we work with all levels. So that’s Joe Public that’s tier, what we call tier two, tier one. I mean our – that we serviced all levels of this industry. And what we see is this industry is in total flocks. I mean people are jumping in, people are jumping out for all different types of reasons.

Josh: Mm-hmm. Yeah.

Will: So the question I would ask is, in regards to this repair wrong, right? That it’s always been in our initiative to repair right. From the repair wrong perspective, what do we see, how have we seen that impact this industry negative.

Josh: Well, I kind of touched on it a little bit.

Will: Yeah.

Josh: And man, I mean that’s like a 20-hour conversation.

Will: Yeah.

Josh: You know honestly, but just at a high level I mean think about it. It’s exactly that, right? Repairing wrong is not admitting when you’re doing something wrong.

Will: Right. Right.

Josh:  Right?

Will: Yeah.

Josh: Time and time again, you know when we first started the business…

Will: Right.

Josh: …back in the day when it was me and Frank in the repair shop like 2008.

Will: Right.

Josh: Right? We didn’t know everything we were doing, like we had a couple things figured out.

Will: Mm-hmm.

Josh: But you know what we always did? We always admitted when we didn’t know something.

Will: Right.

Josh: And we always took care of the customer.

Will: Yeah.

Josh: I never ever, you ask any technician that has ever work for me…

Will: Mm-hmm.

Josh: … or my and you know this.                  

Will: Right.

Josh: Right? I mean we built how many technicians over the years together?

Will: Yeah, quite a few.

Josh: Right? But even in the early days anybody that ever work for my staff, myself or anyone in the organization, we never call things B E R unless we really ran out options.

Will: Right, right, right, right.

Josh: We always turn over every rock…

Will: Yeah.

Josh: …to figure out how to fix it.

Will: Right.

Josh: Right?

Will: Yeah.

Josh: And then when we get to that place…

Will: Mm-hmm.

Josh: …if it’s a customer’s device and we know that we might have caused it even possibly.

Will: Mm-hmm.

Josh: We admit it.

Will: Exactly.

Josh: We take care of it.

Will: Yes.

Josh: Right?

Will: Mm-hmm.

Josh: So, that is part of repairing right versus repairing wrong, is I hear a lot of stories of people who practice on people’s phones.

Will: Right.

Josh: And then when the device doesn’t work.

Will: Mm-hmm.

Josh: Oh, let me just B E R, right? We’ve seen it countless times coming into the stores.

Will: Right.

Josh: Right? I don’t know how many customers’ phones came into the store that they took other places.

Will: Right.

Josh: Right? And they were like, “Wow!  This guy said it was irreparable.”

Will: Mm-hmm.

Josh: “Oh, well, let me show you what happened right here.”

Will: Yeah.

Josh: Right? Yeah, the pins on this connector destroyed.

Will: Right.

Josh: Right? So, anyhow we got to replace the pin on the connector.

Will: Yeah.

Josh: So, it’s things like that.

Will: Yeah.

Josh: Just on the retail store end.

Will: Yes.

Josh: On the other end of it, right, we’ve got the supply chain.

Will: Right.

Josh: Right? A lot of misinformation in the supply chain.

Will: Mm-hmm.

Josh: Supply chain is all about buzzy words.

Will: Yeah.

Josh: Right? Whatever the buzzy word is that’s the hot thing. Oh, I need that. I need that in sale, I need that on sale, I need that on you know on fire.

Will: I need that on….

Josh: I need that out of fire.

Will: I need that on-demand.

Josh: Yeah. [Laughter]

Will: Right? Yeah.

Josh: Whatever that is, right? Whatever the hot word is…

Will: That’s what you.

Josh: But you ask anybody really what the difference is…

Will: And they can’t tell you.

Josh: …and they can’t tell you.

Will: They can’t tell you. Yeah.

Josh: They can’t tell you. It’s just the buzz word.

Will: It’s just the buzz word.

Josh: #RepairRight. If you go on buy a product you should know what it is.

Will: Exactly.

Josh: Right? That means that the person selling you the product isn’t actually properly educated.

Will: Exactly.

Josh: Which means they’re selling you a book of goods, man.

Will: Yeah.

Josh: Come on. Let’s open the kimono right now.

Will: Exactly.

Josh: Let’s open the kimono and show what’s really going on.

Will: That’s not repairable.

Josh: Right? The other thing, actually, you never got to it before I even say what I’m going to say, what are you angry about? You were the one that started this angry conversation.

Will: Well, I’m just angry because there are people who are being taken advantage of. And I want to get specific because I have specific issue that really happened this week, right?

Josh: OK.

Will: And then what we saw was a very dear close friend of mine right, who works in a store.

Josh: Right.

Will: Right? Actually owns a store, kind of new in the business but just now decided to get into the buy, sell, trade, right?

Josh: OK

Will: Right?

Josh: Yeah.

Will: And what he’s doing now is he’s – he’s trying to understand how to properly submit screens or LCDs.

Josh: Oh yeah, you told me about this.

Will: Right?

Josh: Yeah. We had this conversation, that’s right.

Will: And what happened right – so, I’ll give you kind of what happened, the scenario how it happened. So, I advised him right to mark his LCDs.

Josh: Mm-hmm.

Will: Right? And so, marking meaning right, identify…

Josh: Yeah, exactly. So unique identifiers.

Will: Unique identifier and then send them in, right?

Josh: Right.

Will: And kind of get, you know almost like a doctor, right? Get a…

Josh: Progno – diagnosis, prognosis.

Will: Get a diagnosis but get a two…

Josh: OK.

Will: Right? Get two – what do you call them? Recommendations…

Josh: Right.

Will: You know, ask two different people what the value of your LCDs are, basically…

Josh: Right.

Will: …what they should be. And so, he did that with the first one, he sent it back. And then he did it with the second one.

Josh: Mm-hmm.

Will: Right? On the second one, he sent them in, right? The first was OK. They gave him an evaluation…

Josh: Right.

Will: …of his LCDs. On the second one…

Josh: Why didn’t he take that first offer?

Will: He didn’t take it – why didn’t he take it? I think it just…

Josh: He’s just price shopping?

Will: I think he was his price shopping so he was trying to…

Josh: Oh, just trying to get an idea.

Will: Yeah, he’s curious so he wanted two recommendations or two, yeah, what’s the word? Two…

Josh: Diagnosis.

Will: Diagnosis, yeah, yeah, yeah. Get a second diagnosis, yeah. And so, he wanted both. So, the second one he sent in which was the kind of shady one.

Josh: Right.

Will: So that he sent them in, right? They have him a lower evaluation, number one, right…

Josh: Mm-hmm.

Will: … than the first one did. Right? And then they switched out his LCD, right?

Josh: Yeah.

Will: So, what they did is they switched out the good one.

Josh: Because he said, “No, I don’t want that.”

Will: He said no.

Josh: Now, actually you know and so…

Will: Yeah.

Josh: Not to cut you off but I’m going to.

Will: Yeah, yeah.

Josh: Right?

Will: Go ahead.

Josh: We do this all the time.

Will: Yeah, yeah, yeah, for sure.

Josh: Because when we talked about this early this week.

Will: Yeah.

Josh: I actually didn’t know you’re going to bring up this example but…

Will: Yup.

Josh: When we talked about this earlier this week, it really kind of hit home in a lot of ways too because you know it’s a – one of the bigger companies that does LCD buy-back.

Will: Yeah.

Josh: Right?

Will: Yes.

Josh: Well-known in the industry.

Will: Right.

Josh: And on top of that it’s – to me, it’s always – it’s all that glitters isn’t gold.

Will: Right.

Josh: Because when you look at the payout on the website.

Will: Mm-hmm.

Josh: Payout looks sexy.

Will: Yes.

Josh: Oh yeah, I’m getting 40 bucks for this LCD.

Will: Exactly.

Josh: And then the next tier down is 8 bucks.

Will: Right.

Josh: So, what happened was on paper and on the phone right, it was like a high payout.

Will: It looked good.

Josh: Sent it in.

Will: Right.

Josh: Boom! They knocked all the screen down to lower grades.

Will: Which is cool.

Josh: Right, not a problem.

Will: Understandable.

Josh: Actually, I’m not saying anything about that at all.

Will: Doesn’t work.

Josh: That happens, right?

Will: It doesn’t work for me. It didn’t work for me, right?

Josh: Understand that happens. This is grading.

Will: Would you send it back, please?

Josh: Right.

Will: Right? Would you send my material back to me, please?

Josh: That’s where the problem is.

Will: Right.

Josh: They said, well, we can get pay for our time so we go and take cream off the top.

Will: Right. Right?

Josh: And send you back some garbage.

Will: Exactly. Now, what is the recourse? Right?

Josh: This! This show is the recourse.

Will: That’s why we’re angry. That’s why we’re angry. That’s why we’re upset because we’re tired of seeing people, specifically people that we’re close to.

Josh: Right.

Will: Right? People that we advise, people that sometimes our customers and students of ours…

Josh: For sure.

Will: …being taken advantage of.

Josh: For sure.

Will: But what is the real problem with that? Like, that’s a problem obviously.

Josh: Man, you know, we talked about it at the beginning of this segment.

Will: Right.

Josh: Right?

Will: Yeah.

Josh: It’s – the only reason this happens is because there’s ignorance.

Will: Right. Yes.

Josh: I can do that to you because you don’t know what you’re sending me.

Will: Exactly. Exactly.

Josh: That’s why, right?

Will: Exactly.

Josh: Right?

Will: Yeah.

Josh: That’s it at the end of the day.

Will: Right.

Josh: You can’t hold me accountable because I’m going to tell you what it is. It’s like taking your car to the mechanic.

Will: Right.

Josh: Right?

Will: Yeah.

Josh: Man, I just went through this through my sister-in-law, shoutout to Lyn. Love you, Lyn.

Will: Who is that Lyn?

Josh: My sister-in-law.

Will: Right.

Josh: You know Lyn.

Will: Yeah, I know Lyn.

Josh: We went through this. Her tranny went out right, on her car.

Will: Right.

Josh: Right? She was calling the shops. And man, it was like a smorgasbord of all kinds of things. She took it in one place.

Will: Right.

Josh: And they like quoted her like stupid high like $4,000 and you’re going to need this and you need an oil thing and like all kinds of stuff. So, she was like – she asks, she was like, “Josh, I don’t feel comfortable can you help me?

Will: Yeah.

Josh: Right?

Will: For sure.

Josh: So, right so I got involved.

Will: Yeah.

Josh: Called a couple of shops, asked the right questions.

Will: Mm-hmm.

Josh: Right? And I’m not a car mechanic.

Will: Right.

Josh: But I just know how to ask certain kinds of questions.

Will: Right.

Josh: Right? And we found a reputable, honest – at least I feel he was honest, right? Everything to this point right, what I can say as the car has been running for a month.

Will: Yeah.

Josh: Right?

Will: Yeah.

Josh: No problems on the road, we got you know multi-year you know warranty.

Will: All good. Yeah.

Josh: All good.

Will: All good.

Josh: The difference was it was in the amount of questions that were answered.

Will: Right.

Josh: Right? And the transparency because I was able to ask the right questions.

Will: Yes.

Josh: Right?

Will: Yes.

Josh: So they knew and I can’t say that he knew.

Will: Mm-hmm.

Josh: Maybe he’s always honest.

Will: Mm-hmm.

Josh: Right? But our process aired it out.

Will: Right.

Josh: #AirItOut. Right? I’m going to throw hashtags all up in these things, man.

Will: Who cares about the hashtags?

Josh: Yeah.

Will: Yeah.

Josh: #AirItOut.

Will: Right.

Josh: Because at the end of the day, now what I didn’t do which I should do is put some of these other guys on blast. I mean like they were legitimately trying to take advantage of my sister-in-law.

Will: Exactly.

Josh: Like legitimately…

Will: And that’s how I feel about my very close friend.

Josh: And that’s the same point right, is because that’s preying on ignorance.

Will: Exactly.

Josh: Right?

Will: Exactly.

Josh: You know my sister-in-law, man. She’s a young lady, 22, like she’s not – I mean she’s smart but she’s not a car expert.

Will: Exactly.

Josh: Right? So, when they saw that coming, they sniffed it out.

Will: Yeah.

Josh: And now, all of a sudden they want to make nice, nice and then take advantage.

Will: Exactly.

Josh: Right?

Will: Yeah.

Josh: Boom!

Will: Yeah.

Josh: Same game happening right now.

Will: Yeah.

Josh: Right? Make nice, nice, making nice, nice is let me show you my shiny side with these high prices, right?

Will: Yeah.

Josh: Because once you – once I get your LCDs…

Will: Yeah.

Josh: Then what?

Will: Yeah.

Josh: Then you’re either going to pay me to send them back to you.

Will: Mm-hmm.

Josh: Well, I’m a switch a blue baby.

Will: Exactly.

Josh: Harry Houdini.

Will: Exactly.

Josh: Come on, man.

Will: So, with that being…

Josh: Really?

Will: Yeah.

Josh: #RepairRight bro.

Will: #RepairRight

Josh: I’m tired of it.

Will: Yeah. I’m tired of it. So, what can we do to fix that, Josh? Because you know what? Being a, you know, the institution we are, being having the authority we have.

Josh: And doing what we do.

Will: And doing what we do, right? I feel like we need to do something.

Josh: OK. Let’s get – let’s do this. Let’s give our course away. So, we have – it’s actually not even a course, right? So, we have – one of one of the divisions our business is we do LCD repair.

Will: Right.

Josh: Right? So, we had an internal training course…

Will: Right.

Josh: …that we use.

Will: Yes.

Josh: Right? …to teach our new members…

Will: Mm-hmm.

Josh: …how to identify defects.

Will: Yes.

Josh: Right? It’s not necessarily grading so it’s not that.

Will: Right.

Josh: Right? It’s not going to sign values to your…

Will: Right. That’s what – that’s all the different course.

Josh: Yeah, that’s a whole different…

Will: That’s a different situation.

Josh: This is just literally walking you through all the different categories of what goes wrong with OLED screens versus you know TFT, LCD screens.

Will: Exactly.

Josh: Right? And all that sort of stuff so walks you through all of that. So, it’s that introductory course that we use for our new team members.

Will: Exactly.

Josh: That come on so they can hit the floor and start to learn how to grade effectively and accurately and consistently.

Will: Yeah. And honestly, when me and Josh had a conversation before we actually started this guys, just to – just to be you know very transparent with you guys. And what we decided is we really want you guys not to fall into this category of being taken advantage of just like you know just like my guy was. You know what I mean, because that’s not right. At the end of the day, that’s not right.

Josh: No.

Will: And we have the solution for that to not happen, right?

Josh: Right

Will: Again, it’s education which is what we do here at Cellular Repair School.

Josh: Right

Will: We educate people and we know that information is the cure with all of these problems that we see with the – being taken advantage of. So, we know we have the solution, we know what we educate our technicians have.

Josh: Right

Will: Hashtag…

Josh: #RepairRight, #OurTechniciansAreDifferent

Will:  We know – we know we have the answer and so, it’s just in my heart, really in my heart what I want to do is, is I want to give, right? I want to give you guys the answer and the solution for you guys who are interested in getting into or play in this space.

Josh: Yeah, like if you’re in this space…

Will: Yeah, if you’re in this space.

Josh: If you want your – you have LCDs that you potential – because I’m going to tell you.

Will: Yeah.

Josh: First of all, if you’re not selling LCDs, you’re leaving money on the table.

Will: Exactly.

Josh: Right? And if you are selling LCDs, you’re leaving money on the table…

Will: Exactly.

Josh: …but you don’t know how. And look…

Will: And before you say that, for people who don’t understand what we’re talking about because they’re not in the business yet.

Josh: OK.

Will: How do you actually get those LCDs in a repair environment? Right?

Josh: Well, well here’s how it works. Right? So, I get a customer who brings me their phone.

Will: Right.

Josh: Maybe I got an iPhone 7 that’s damaged.

Will: Mm-hmm.

Josh: Right? Screen is broken.

Will: Mm-hmm.

Josh: Right? Technically, glass is cracked.

Will: Mm-hmm.

Josh: Or whatever.

Will: Yes.

Josh: Right? But most of the time glass is cracked, screen underneath is OK.

Will: Right.

Josh: Right? I do the repair. So, guess what I do? This is 99% of the business is I put an aftermarket screen back into the phone.

Will: Mm-hmm.

Josh: Right? In the repair space.

Will: Right.

Josh: Aftermarket screen back in the phone, take the customer’s original screen out.

Will: Right.

Josh: What we do with these original screens?

Will: Right.

Josh: There’s a lot of money in those original screens.

Will: Exactly.

Josh: A lot of money. Those are valuable. And on top of that, there are initiatives to keep them out of landfills.

Will: Exactly.

Josh: Right? Like, you know…

Will: Recycle, reuse, repurpose.

Josh: Yeah, everything should be recycled, bottom line.

Will: Yes.

Josh: So, anyways, that is the life cycle of that.

Will: Exactly.

Josh: Right? And in fact, before aftermarket screens came out, age myself a little bit, that is the only way that screens used to be…

Will: Right.

Josh: …available to put back in the phones was it was the returns that will go back for refurbishing then will come back.

Will: Exactly.

Josh: Right?

Will: Yeah.

Josh: Before aftermarkets hit the market a couple of years back.

Will: Exactly. Yeah.

Josh: So…

Will: Yeah.

Josh: …back to the point.

Will: Yeah.

Josh: Educating people, let’s give them the course, man. We’re going to give you guys a piece of our internal training that we use for our staff.

Will: Right.

Josh: We’re going to give it to you so you can learn about the different defects. Now, what I will kind of box it in to let you know like this is not going to teach you how to understand the values of these things or anything like that.

Will: Exactly. Right.

Josh: Right? And even if you don’t want to grade your LCDs…

Will: Right.                                                                                                     

Josh: I recommend at least going through the material.

Will: Right.

Josh: Because you’re going to at least know about the different defects.

Will: Right.

Josh: So, if you are selling LCDs, you’re not going to be taken advantage there anymore.

Will: Exactly.

Josh: And you can speak the right lingo.

Will: For sure. It’s going to help – what it’s going to do is help you guys understand exactly what qualifies for refurb, right?

Josh: Right.

Will: And that’s important like, because you will have LCDs obviously that don’t qualify. And so, what you’re doing is you’re not wasting your time, right?

Josh: Right.

Will: Sending in LCDs or trading in LCDs or you know giving LCDs to your purchaser who doesn’t, you know, who’s not going to pay you for those LCDs. So, it actually helps…

Josh: I mean that’s – that’s still OK though. I will, I will – if you’re working with the right type of recycler.

Will: Right.

Josh: That’s still OK.

Will: Yeah.

Josh: Because the goal is to keep the out of landfill.

Will: Yeah.

Josh: Don’t throw them in your trash basket.

Will: Right.

Josh: So they’re going your trash out to the local landfill.

Will: Yeah, but I think…

Josh: It’s still better to go back.

Will: Yeah.

Josh: But sometimes you still get a little bit of money even if it’s completely destroyed there might be something. Right?

Will: Yeah. But what’s going to happen is you’re going to get a more fluid relationship with that recycler…

Josh: Right.

Will: …because they’re not going to be wasting time grading material or a lot of material, it doesn’t actually qualify.

Josh: Right.

Will: That’s kind of where it gets fuzzy, right? If I can…

Josh: Exactly. You can at least box it up and say, “Hey, these are the ones that value – just recycle, these are my recyclable materials. Please recycle this for me.

Will: Exactly. Exactly. Exactly. You don’t your recycler wasting a lot of time grading stuff that’s not going to qualify with the expectation that you have that it will qualify.

Josh: Right.

Will: Right. That’s how you get kind of on the wrong page and then you know it can be miscommunication sometimes.

Josh: Right.

Will: Oh, what this course is going to help you guys do is understand the differentiation between the two, right? What qualifies both Apple and Samsung, right?

Josh: Yup. Yeah. OLED and TFT.

Will: Exactly. And what doesn’t, and what doesn’t qualify, so.

Josh: Yeah.

Will: Yeah.

Josh: So, we’re going to give it to you. How do we get it? How do you get? So, you’re going to have to do a little work to earn it.

Will: Right.

Josh: But it’s totally free.

Will: Right.

Josh: No charge for this whatsoever guys because again, we are the brooms of the industry coming.

Will: Right.

Josh: We’re here to clean this thing up.

Will: Right.

Josh: #RepairRight

Will: #RepairRight

Josh: We want it done right, man.

Will: Yes.

Josh: We got to clean the riff-raff out of this game.

Will: Yes.

Josh: Tired of it.

Will: Yes.

Josh: Right?

Will: Yes.

Josh: So, please do this.

Will: Yes.

Josh: 100% free, absolutely no charge to get this very in-depth course to learn about LCD grading and so you can start to understand about how to get value out of the LCDs that you were pulling from customers phones.

Will: Mm-hmm.

Josh: Or, customers that might be potentially doing repairs with you if you’re not knew and if you’re not doing this yet, right?

Will: Right.

Josh: No matter what level you’re at, you should do this.

Will: Mm-hmm.

Josh: Just give us a shout out on social, right?

Will: Totally go you.

Josh: That’s it. Give us a shoutout social say, “You know what? I support #RepairRight.” Just do the #RepairRight.

Will: Right.

Josh: Give us a shout. Hit us with a DM.

Will: Yes.

Josh: Right? And one of our staff members will reach out through DM and get back to you and give you access to the course absolutely no charge. Just to be safe again, if you do the #RepairRight on social, it doesn’t matter what channel, right?

Will: Yeah.

Josh: Like you can do it on Facebook, Instagram…

Will: Instagram, yup.

Josh: …Twitter.

Will: Tumblr.

Josh: Right. Any – it doesn’t matter. Just do the #RepairRight.

Will: Right.

Josh: But not just #RepairRight, say something, right? Say why this is important to you. Say why…

Will: Exactly.

Josh: …you support this thing.

Will: Yeah.

Josh: Because I want to clean it up.

Will: Yeah.

Josh: Right? So, I only want you to be doing this with us if you agree with what we’re saying, right?

Will: Right.

Josh: Like tired of getting ripped off.

Will: Yes.

Josh: And tired of people lying about them so…

Will: Yes.

Josh: #RepairRight

Will: Make sure – yes, make sure with the #RepairRight you do #CellularRepairSchool also. Right?

Josh: OK. Yeah.

Will: And what that does is that helps us actually see with more clarity that your Repair Right is specific to Cellular Repair School. Does that make sense? So, #RepairRight and addition #CellularRepairSchool.

Josh: If you haven’t heard shoot us an email at support@cellularrepairschool.com.

Will: Yeah.

Josh: With a link to where your post is.

Will: Yes.

Josh: With the hash tag.

Will: Yes.

Josh: And we’ll make sure that our staff gives you complete free access to this course so you can understand about LCD inspection and grading, so you really understand what you’re supposed to be doing with these things and what’s happening with these things when you send them somewhere.

Will: Absolutely.

Josh: Do it the right way, guys.

Will: Yes. Yeah.

Josh: Do it right way.

Will: Yes, so just give us a quick shoutout too, you know just a quick verb, little blurb about Cellular Repair School or you know the podcast, Ask Will and Josh.

Josh: Yeah.

Will: Our podcast, just so we can keep it relative to the #RepairRight so we can – we don’t get it confused that your #RepairRight is specific to Ask Will and Josh and the Cellular Repair School.

Josh: Yeah. I don’t think there are a whole lot of them out there so we’d be all right.

Will: I don’t think it is either but yeah, but I don’t think it is…

Josh: But yeah, I mean…

Will: Yeah, yeah.

Josh: …keep the burden down on our staff.

Will: Exactly.

Josh: Right? Keep the burden down. So yeah.

Will: Yeah.

Josh: Anything else on that?

Will: I think that’s pretty much it, man and you know I feel that…

Josh: You guys got it. You guys got it.

Will: You know what? I feel better already.

Josh: I could see.

Will: I feel better already because I…

Josh: Maybe you look after.

Will: I was a little upset today.

Josh: Yeah.

Will: I was a little angry today. You know what I mean?

Josh: I’m telling you I’ve seen it on you.

Will: Because I’m tired of people taking advantage of people for the ignorance. So, you know and that’s what we do, we educate people so they don’t get taken advantage of and I feel like you know given away this little course, understanding how to grade LCDs is going to help a lot of people…

Josh: Yeah.

Will: …not be taken advantage of. You know what I mean?

Josh: Yes sir, I do, man.

Will: So, I feel good about it.

Josh: I do too, right?

Will: And so…

Josh: Bring information, knowledge is power. Knowledge is power.

Will: Knowledge is power. Exactly.

Josh: Let’s answer a question. This is the Ask Will and Josh Show.

Will: It is.

Josh: So again, from last episode.

Will: Right.

Josh: We answered some questions. So again, today, we’re going to answer an audience question.

Will: Right.

Josh: If you want to submit a question that you want us to answer.

Will: Mm-hmm.

Josh: Go to our website CellularRepairSchool.com.

Will: Yes.

Josh: Click on Podcast.

Will: Yes.

Josh: And under there you will see a big button that says submit my question. And then just submit the question here. And if we select it right, if it’s if it fits what the motive is of what we’re talking about.

Will: Right.

Josh: Right? And we try to queue these out, we actually have several thousand from – thank you guys that all participate in the survey from last week by the way.

Will: Yeah.

Josh: We had several thousand feedbacks.

Will: Yeah.

Josh: And we’re going to say, you know what?

Will: I’m going to say, we don’t get to too many of them each show.

Josh: I mean it’s one show a week.

Will: One show.

Josh: It’s one show a week. So, what we’re doing is we’re bunching them all up if the one that sound really similar, we’re going to call everybody out that had similar ones.

Will: Right.

Josh: Or the ones that just really speak to us in the moment.

Will: Right.

Josh: To be honest with you, right?

Will: Absolutely.

Josh: Our goal is to give you pertinent information that we think is going to help move the needle for you wherever you are.

Will: Absolutely.

Josh: And that’s what we’re going to do. Now, right or wrong that’s what it is.

Will: Yeah.

Josh: But please submit it. I promise you we look at every single submission that comes in.

Will: Absolutely.

Josh: Personally, I have been looking at them and loving them, you know.

Will: Yeah.

Josh: Loving them great, great feedback.  So, with that said…

Will: Let’s go ahead.

Josh: Let’s jump into the one today.

Will: Which one are we doing today?

Josh: Let’s see…

Will: Let’s knock it out.

Josh: Today…

Will: We got about 10 minutes.

Josh: Yeah, I know. We burned our time quick.

Will: Yeah.

Josh: I guess I should have did this while we were talking. OK. Today’s question comes from Robert Vargas.

Will: Robert Vargas.

Josh: Right? And Robert asked…

Will: Did he say where he’s from?

Josh: It does not.

Will: Oh OK. Robert Vargas.

Josh: We didn’t ask location…

Will: From nowhere.

Josh: Yeah.

Will: Was that Robert…

Josh: From somewhere. From anywhere.

Will: From anywhere.

Josh: So, Robert asked, what is the best way to learn hands-on and board schematics and replacement parts for boards? So…

Will: Oh, that’s a good question.

Josh: The interesting thing is we’ve been getting overwhelmingly – we did a survey question inside of the questionnaire, right?

Will: Right.

Josh: And I think we had 2200 responses and something around there.

Will: Yeah.

Josh: And around that without a shadow of a doubt…

Will: Uh-huh.

Josh: …the number one thing everybody wanted to know more about…

Will: Yes.

Josh: …right, was advanced board diagnostics.

Will: Yes.

Josh: Right?

Will: Yes.

Josh: So, it’s part of the reason why we hollered at you today, Robert. Robert Vargas, thank you for the question.

Will: Thanks, Robert. Appreciate it.

Josh: Right? So, what is the best way to learn more about board repair and components and all that sort of stuff?

Will: Well, I think what you got to do is you got to look at what you – first of all, we always talk abut why and you know, it’s always the why, right? So, why do you want to understand the board level and how you can apply that to what it is you do? Because you know what we always talk about quite honestly is where is the money, right?

Josh: Yeah.

Will: So, where…

Josh: TTM.

Will: TTM.

Josh: Tie it to the money.

Will: Tie it to the money, tie it to the money.

Josh: Right?

Will: And what we do in our each and every day is we – some of the clients we actually work for, they send us their board material, board level matter.

Josh: Yeah.

Will: So, we actually get just bored sometime, guys and what we have to do is we have to diagnose these boards and see what the problems are with these boards and diagnose them to see where the TTM is.

Josh: Right.

Will: Tie it to the money.

Josh: Right.

Will: Like is it worth repairing? Is it not worth repairing? Should we be putting time and energy into it? And to understand that, kind of goes to the question you’re asking is you have to have a kind of a basic understanding of how electronics, right?

Josh: For sure.

Will: Theoretical…

Josh: Yeah.

Will: Theoretically works, I mean you definitely want to know how to you know measure voltage, measure current, understand open and closed circuits. Things of that nature is going to help you tremendously, just the basic, how to use a are a digital multimeter, power supply, these things are going to definitely help you understand how to do board level trouble shooting. Now, with that being said, I would always suggest start – starting there.

Josh: Yes.

Will: Like starting with the basics, starting with understanding that. What is a resistor? What is a capacitor? What is a transistor? What is a – you know…

Josh: Yeah, and you don’t need, you don’t need a four-year Electrical Engineering degree for this, right?

Will: No, no, absolutely not.

Josh: I mean it’s – it’s basic.

Will: Yeah.

Josh: But I mean it’s involved.

Will: Yeah.

Josh: You know, there are some things to learn.

Will: Yeah. It’s…

Josh: But it’s not – it’s not four years.

Will: Exactly. There are things you definitely want to understand though and what that understanding is going to give you is a lot of clarity as to what the diagnosis is and what you need to do and how much time you may need to put into preparing it.

Josh: Right.

Will: And right and TTM is something that we always preach, tie it to the money.

Josh: Yeah.

Will: So, if it’s going to take you know if it’s – and again, that goes back to the why are you working on this?

Josh: Yeah, because it’s specific for you too, right? Because to my point earlier and remember your thought, right?

Will: Yes.

Josh: But to my point earlier, in the stores early on in the day…

Will: Mm-hmm.

Josh: Right? We always tried to figure out the problem.

Will: Right.

Josh: I actually – it wasn’t about like, “Oh, I’m only going to spend 30 minutes on this because it’s costing me 15 bucks an hour, right?

Will: Right.

Josh: It wasn’t about that. It was about us learning…

Will: Yeah.

Josh: …so we understood that we had done everything possible and we’ve seen enough of these problems to feel confident that, “Oh, this problem is this.”

Will: Yes.

Josh: That problem is that.

Will: Yes.

Josh: Right? Or, that’s something we haven’t seen before but unfortunately I don’t really have a resolution for that.

Will: Absolutely. And what you guys are going to start to see is you’re going to start to see a similar problems, the things that you can kind of bucket. And it’s going to make it easier and quicker to diagnose those things so that you identify them quicker which you were able to TTM right, tie it to the money very quickly, right? So you’ll get your list of board diagnostic level – what we call a level 3 type repairs.

Josh: Right.

Will: Board level repairs that you can do very quickly because you can identify them very quickly.

Josh: Right.

Will: Now, with that being said, we teach our technicians how to do that currently day in and day out, each and every day. But what we haven’t done is we haven’t created we’re working on actually…

Josh: Well, I mean to your point…

Will: I mean we have…

Josh: We do, we do…

Will: Yeah.

Josh: We do teach that today.

Will: Right.

Josh: But we’re going to go much, much detailed.

Will: Yeah.

Josh: Right? Through the learnings through the last few years, things that we do now compared to the things that we did just in the retail stores…

Will: Right.

Josh: …is night and day difference.

Will: Yeah.

Josh: So, the learnings that we’ve gained over the last several years are actually being put into courses for you guys that are going to be released very, very soon.

Will: Actually.

Josh: And I was talking like super, super deep.

Will: Yeah.

Josh: But again, TTM…

Will: Yeah.

Josh: Right? It’s always Tied To Money.

Will: Right.

Josh: Bottom line is we’re not going to be teaching you guys how to do something to spend four hours for a $10 repair.

Will: Right. That’s not – that’s not…

Josh: No.

Will: Yeah, that’s not what we do.

Josh: Well, you know if there are enough requests for it, right?

Will: I mean if that’s what you want…

Josh: Because if you’re – in certain countries if that’s that you want, if it makes sense, that’s fine, right?

Will: Yeah.

Josh: But that’s not for us, in the market space that we’re in, and that’s how we know how to teach today, right?

Will: Right.

Josh: Besides what you give back to us.

Will: Right.

Josh: That’s just the way we operate.

Will: Yeah.

Josh: But we will definitely go deeper if there’s enough request and that’s why we touched on this subject tonight.

Will: Exactly.

Josh: Because there were enough requests for us to start addressing this, right?

Will: Yes.

Josh: And I want to #AirItOut.

Will: Yes.

Josh: Right?

Will: Yes.

Josh: So, we’re going to start airing these topics out.

Will: Yes.

Josh: Level 3 is a topic that people need to know.

Will: Yes.

Josh: Now, actually that could be a good topic for us next show man, is to tie this in because this was such a popular topic.

Will: Right.

Josh: We should go into the differences between the levels. What’s the difference between level 1, level 2, level 3 and level 4, right?

Will: Yeah, that’s a great conversation. Yeah.

Josh: Because that is another misnomer in this business that lot of people don’t understand.

Will: Right.

Josh: Right? Because even at the board level, majority this is level 3 repairs and it’s a whole different ball game to go into level. So…

Will: Yeah, that’s true. That’s true.

Josh: I’ll leave that a little cliffhanger for you. We’ll get into that but I’ll tell you that 75% percent of the problems can be resolved through level 3 – level 3 repair today.

Will: Absolutely, absolutely. We’re going to be teaching guys how to do that, right?

Josh: Yeah.

Will: And going really in-depth to making an easy, to diagnose easy to understand where and how to fix those problems.

Josh: Right.

Will: Right.

Josh: Do you think we answered Robert’s question?

Will: I think so.

Josh: Did we get it?

Will: I hope. I hope we did.

Josh: Well, I hope so too, Robert. You let us know if we answered it or not, you know. Hit us on social, let us know, did we address it? Di you get what you wanted out of that?

Will: Right.

Josh: And I promise you we got something coming for you. And there’s going to be free gifts for you as well.

Will: Absolutely.

Josh: Right. To help you solve this problem, we are in the middle of creating some really deep and we’ve got things that are actually much deeper than my anything that’s out there today.

Will: Yeah.

Josh: We’re going, we’re going to even – we’re going way deeper.

Will: Yeah, you haven’t seen these solutions, Robert. There and – and not only that, the way we put together our training, the way we train, it is very, a systematic and so it makes…

Josh: Yeah, it’s repeatable, scalable, you can teach it to your staff.

Will: Exactly.

Josh: I mean it’s – that’s the whole point of this, right?

Will: Exactly.

Josh: …is to make it something that just a little bit more turnkey.

Will: Exactly.

Josh: Right?

Will: Exactly. So with that being said…

Josh: I ain’t got nothing else to say tonight, man, you know.

Will: I think we’re 30, about 35, 36 minutes so…

Josh: That’s how you use the dropup point, you know it. For me, I think, I think we #AiredItOut.

Will: Yeah.

Josh: Will, thank you for bringing in the anger points tonight that we were able to talk about.

Will: Well, I’m just a black man trying…

Josh: Trying to not be angry.


Will: I was just joking, guys. Hey, we enjoyed you guys Ask Will and Josh. Josh?

Josh: Always enjoy it man.

Will: Always enjoy it.

Josh: Thanks for you time, bro.

Will: Yes sir, absolutely. Until next time, guys.

Josh: Next time guys, we’ll see you.

Will: We’ll see you

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